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Cure Quick Pharmaceuticals (CQP)

Originated hardly 30 years ago, CQP is now a dynamic, upcoming Pharmaceutical Producer, a member of Cure Quick Group of companies.

Cure Quick Pharmaceuticals (CQP) was established by academic Scientists well trained in Indian Multinational Corporation in the early ninety in Karnal, a district Head Quarter situated 125 km North of New Delhi on G.T. Road. Originating hardly 30 years ago, CQP is now a dynamic, upcoming Pharmaceutical Producer, a member of the Cure Quick Group of companies. Cure Quick Group comprises in addition to Cure Quick Pharmaceuticals, Cure Quick Herbals and Nutraceuticals. The Group turnover of Cure Quick is exceeding Rs.50 Crores annually and employs more than 300 skilled technicians in our work.

  • Quality


The quality of our products, delivery and cost effectiveness mark our strength.

Providing total customer satisfaction through excellence in technology based on research and development is where our strength lies. Our rich industry experience and leadership has enabled us to achieve superiority in chosen markets, products and services worldwide.

We have been successful in setting new parameters for our clients with the help of:

  • Experienced leadership
  • Technically proficient workforce
  • Advanced and innovative technology
  • Standardized products
  • Customized healthcare solutions through an in-house design unit

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Jessica Jones

Marketing Expert

Jessica Jones

Hello! <br>to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a

Munia Ankor


Munia Ankor

Hello! to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a

Ahmed Kamal

Marketing Expert

Ahmed Kamal

Hello! to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a


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Bringing A Better Design Process To Your Organization

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